viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Stop 95 - Beijing

Our last postcard was sent to Beijing, in China, 9301 kilometers away!

The postcard was sent to Yue. It was sent by Carlota, a C1.2 student who wrote on a postcard featuring the 19th century Noia Bridge, a stone construction built in place of the ancient and previous Medieval structure.

On the back, Carlota wrote in quite extensive detail (and beautiful, small handwriting) about Noia landmarks and Galician food and traditions.

Thanks, Carlota!

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Stop 94 - Novosibirsk

Our last postcard was sent to Novosibirsk, in Russia, 6348 kilometers away!

The postcard was sent to Lera. It was sent by María Antonieta Caramés, a C1.1 student who wrote on a postcard featuring the (locally) famous Medieval Tombstone in Santa María a Nova with a pilgrim figure engraved on it.

On the back, Antonieta tells our new Russian friend some facts about herself and our town.

Thanks, Antonieta!

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Stop 93 - Grave

Our last postcard was sent to Grave, in the Netherlands, 1482 kilometers away!

The postcard was sent to Lia. It was sent by Ángela, a C1.1 student who wrote on a postcard with a lovely view of Saint Martin's church tympanum, which includes a scene with Christ and the Old men from the Apocalypse tuning up their instruments (a scene probably inspired in the Santiago Pórtico da Gloria), with an added bonus on the left side: a pregnant Virgin Mary.

On the back, Ángela gives some information about herself and our town.

Thanks, Ángela!

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

Stop 92 - Amiens

Our first postcard of this academic year has been sent to Amiens, in France, 1258 kilometers away!

The postcard was sent to Sylviane. It was sent by María Malvárez, a C1.1 student who wrote on a postcard featuring one of the paintings of local artist Alfonso Costa; its title is 'Intimate' and it features a stylized view of two medieval statues and a rosette.

On the back, María explains some things about herself, the card and our town, Noia.

Thanks, María!