jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Pozoblanco-Noia Postcard Swap - ALBA

This is the fifth and last postcard (until now) from Pozoblanco that we have received. It was sent by Alba, and shows the famous Pozoblanco well around which the town was born.

On the card, Alba gives us some very interesting pieces of information about her town! Besides, I love her handwriting: it reminds me my own, albeit a little bit more readable.

Thanks, Alba!

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

Pozoblanco-Noia Postcard Swap - ÁNGELA

Another postcard from Pozoblanco! This one comes from Ángela, and features the well that gives name to the town, as well as the cockerel whose depositions turned the well white.

On the back, she tells us about the old well and expresses a wish to hear some legends and stories from Noia! We will make a few videos about this in flipgrid. For now: did you know that Noah's daughter Noela is the mythical founder of our town? It is emblazoned in our coat of arms as early as the Middle Ages.

Thanks, Ángela!

martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

Pozoblanco-Noia Postcard Swap - MARÍA

Another postcard from Pozoblanco! In this case, we have the town hall of our sister town, in a postcard sent by María.

On the back, she gives us some information about the building, and asks us for some interesting piece of information. Here it goes, María! Did you know that our Language School (and Virxe do Mar school) building WAS Noia's Town Hall until the 1950s? 

Because during the first days of the Civil War, our town was staunchly Republican, one of the 'punishments' it had to suffer was the suppression of its High School. Only after much begging, and with the Town Hall administration providing its own building for it, was the school reopened.

Thanks, María!

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020

Pozoblanco-Noia Postcard Swap - FRAN

Another postcard from Pozoblanco! This one was sent by Fran, and features some of the beautiful and whitewashed local churches from his school's town.

On the back, Fran expresses surprise at the architecture of the local electric power plant. It was designed by Antonio Palacios, more well known for some of his buildings in the capital of the country, Madrid, like the Telecommunications Palace or the The Río de La Plata Bank, now the main building of the Instituto Cervantes. He was Galician, and has quite a few building around here.

Thanks, Fran!

sábado, 14 de marzo de 2020

Pozoblanco-Noia Postcard Swap - SARA

A few postcards from Pozoblanco have arrived! One of them is from Sara, and it comes with a picture of the famous 'White Well' that lends its name to our Andalusian friends' town.

On the back, we get some very interesting information from her! She has been to Santiago in the past, and also found some time to visit our Noia!! You should write a comment here and tell us more about your stay, Sara!! I can say that since you last came, the roads have been greatly improved (there is a highway that can take you from Compostela to Noia almost directly).

Thanks, Sara!

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

Stop 129 - Straubing

Our last postcard was sent to Straubing, in Germany, 1787 kilometers away!

This postcard was sent to Daniela. It was sent by Isabel, an A1 student who wrote on a postcard with a lovely view of Testal beach and its coastline.

On the back, Elizabeth gives our German friend some information about our town, its beaches and its most famous product: cockles!

Thanks, Elizabeth!

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020

Noia-Pozoblanco Postcard Swap - MANNY

Against all adversities (including Coronaviruses!), our next postcard is traveling south! This one was written by Manuel 'Manny', and comes with a lovely picture and a quote by Voltaire.

On the back, Manuel tells of his experience in the USA, along with his studies and hobbies/interests.

Thanks, Manuel!

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2020

Noia-Pozoblanco Postcard Swap - MANUEL

Yet another card traveling to Pozoblanco! This one was sent by Manuel (I think), and we can see on it a fingerprint and a quote from Conan Doyle, the inventor of Sherlock Holmes.

On the back, Manuel gives some information about our town and its surroundings.

Thanks, Manuel!

martes, 10 de marzo de 2020

Stop 128 - Yelabuga

Our last postcard was sent to Yelabuga, in Russia, 4487 kilometers away!

This postcard was sent to Liliya. It was sent by Lourdes, an A1 student who wrote on a postcard with a quote from Nathaniel Hawthorne and a lovely picture of a caged bird.

On the back, Lourdes gives our Russian friend some personal information about herself.

Thanks, Lourdes!

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020

Stop 127 - Auckland

Our last postcard was sent to Auckland, in New Zealand, 19285 kilometers away!

This postcard was sent to Bea. It was sent by Valia, an A1 student who wrote on a postcard featuring a quote by James Joyce in the shape of a butterfly.

On the back, Valia tells our Kiwi friend about her and about the things she likes to do.

Thanks, Valia!

domingo, 8 de marzo de 2020

Noia-Pozoblanco Postcard Swap - PAZ

New postcard sent! This one was sent by Paz (I think), and it features one of the local landmarks of Modernist architecture: the Tambre river power plant.

On the back, she gives our Pozoblanco friends some information about it, and invites them to come to visit us and enjoy this and other places.

Thanks, Paz!

sábado, 7 de marzo de 2020

Noia-Pozoblanco Postcard Swap - MARÍA

Yet another postcard flying to Andalusia! This one was sent by María, and features a lovely view of the golden reflexion of the sunset (or sunrise?) over the waters of the ría.

On the back, María explains the picture and also adds some more background, including our famous cockle industry.

Thanks, María!

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020

Noia-Pozoblanco Postcard Swap - JENNIFER

Our last postcard to Pozoblanco has been sent! This time, Jennifer wrote on the back of a beautiful view of Ponte Nafonso, our late Medieval stone bridge which joins the townships of Outes and Noia.

On the back, she informs our friends about herself and the bridge in the picture, giving its arches and measurements.

Thanks, Jennifer!

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2020

Stop 126 - Hamburg

Our last postcard was sent to Hamburg, in Germany, 1834 kilometers away!

This postcard was sent to Sylvia. It was sent by Luis, an A1 student who wrote on a small postcard featuring one of French poet Paul Verlaine's most famous lines.

On the card, Luis pours a wealth of information about himself, his family and favorite holiday places, and still finds space to praise our beaches.

Thanks, Luis!

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2020

Noia-Pozoblanco Postcard Swap - ALINA

Our last postcard has taken flight towards Pozoblanco! It was written by Alina, and features a nice quote from W.E.B. Du Bois.

On the back, Alina talks a little bit about our town and its sights.

Thanks, Alina!

viernes, 28 de febrero de 2020

Noia-Pozoblanco Postcard Swap - AMADO

Another postcard traveling to Cordoba province! This time it was written by Amado, and it features a very elegant quote by the German writer Goethe!

On the back, Amado tells us how a happy chance led him to choose a card whose message he agrees with, and gives some advice to our Pozoblanco friends: follow the Way of Saint James.

Thanks, Amado!

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2020

Noia-Pozoblanco Postcard Swap - IRENE

This postcard was written by Irene for our Andalusian friends. It depicts a lateral view of the Renaissance church of Saint Francis, which was built in 1522 and lies next to the modern Town Hall of our town.

On the back, she writes about a bit about herself, the church and the town promenade ('Alameda') which is barely visible on the left of the card.

Thanks, Irene!

martes, 25 de febrero de 2020

Noia-Pozoblanco Postcard Swap - SUSANA

Yet another postcard traveling south! In this case it was written by Susana, and features an image that has already been sent in another postcard: the apse of Saint Martin's church.

Susana works in the tourist industry, so she does a very good job in promoting our region, its food and its landmarks to our Andalusian friends.

Thanks, Susana!

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2020

Noia-Pozoblanco Postcard Swap - LUZ

The last postcard to Pozoblanco has been sent by Luz. In it we can see a quaint little picture with some of the traditional shipping boats at Testal harbour. They are used in the shellfish-gathering industry which is so important for our town and area.

On the back, Luz gives a short but sweet message in which she advertises the marvels of our town. "What else can you ask for" indeed!

Thanks, Luz!

sábado, 22 de febrero de 2020

Noia-Pozoblanco Postcard Swap - MIRIAM

Another postcard travelling to Pozoblanco! This one is Miriam's, and on it we can see a lateral view of the Santa María a Nova church, along with its cemetery, famed for the medieval guild tombstones that crowd the inside and the outside of the secularized building (and now museum).

On the back, Miriam complains a little on the macabre nature of the card, and appropriately blames me (the teacher) who was the one who gave it to her. Alright, point taken: no more views of cemeteries in the future...

Thanks, Miriam!

viernes, 21 de febrero de 2020

Noia-Pozoblanco Postcard Swap - ALICIA

The next postcard travelling to Pozoblanco is Alicia's. On it we have a superb picture of the Gothic octogonal apse of San Martiño church, with its stained glass and ribbed vaulting.

On the back, she gives our Pozoblanco friends a few glimpses and tidbits about our town's history , symbols and traditions.

Thanks, Alicia!

jueves, 20 de febrero de 2020

Noia-Pozoblanco Postcard Swap - JOSÉ MANUEL

Another postcard for EOI Pozoblanco! This one does not include a site from Noia, but rather it refers to the neighboring town of Vila de Cruz, a well-known fishing village in Boiro.

On the back, José Manuel gives some informations about himself and our region for our Andalusian friends.

Thanks, José Manuel!

miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2020

Noia-Pozoblanco Postcard Swap - JAVIER

Our first postcard to our sister school EOI Pozoblanco has been sent! It features a lovely view of one of our Medieval and Gothic landmarks: the Pazo Dacosta, built in 1339.

On the back, Javier includes some fascinating information about the things he has learned about Pozoblanco. Take a look!

Thanks, Javier!