miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

Postcrossing Meetup (Received Cards): SARA from ITALY

We have received our second postcard! It was written by Sara and comes from Rome, the capital of Italy.

Sara sent us a photo of the famous 'Bocca della Verità', an ancient image of a Pagan god carved in Pavonazzo marble and located in the portico of the church of Santa María in Cosmedin. Since the Middle ages, it has worked as a 'lie detector': it was believed that if one told a lie with one's hand in the mouth of the sculpture, it would be bitten off.

The content is quite extensive. Give it a look and tell us what you think about it in the comments section.

Thank you, Sara, for your generosity in sending this card and sharing an intimate piece of yourself in your card too!

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