jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2016

Ramón García on CHELYABINSK!


Hello everybody: 

My name is Ramón García and I am going to tell something about Chelyabinsk, a city in Russia. 

I´ll start with a brief anecdote about the Chelyabinsk meteorite. On February 5, 2013, a meteor descended at over the city, and exploded at an altitude of 25–30 kilometers. Fragments fell in and around Chelyabinsk. There were 1,100 people who needed medical assistance following the incident, mostly for treatment of injuries from glass broken by the explosions.

The fortress of Chelyaba, from which the city takes its name, was founded at the location of the Bashkir village of Chelyaby by colonel Alexey Tevkelev to protect the surrounding trade routes from possible attacks by Bashkir outlaws. 

During World War II, Stalin decided to move a large part of Soviet factory production to places out of the way of the advancing German armies in late 1941. This brought new industries and thousands of workers to Chelyabinsk. 

Chelyabinsk is located east of the Ural mountains.The city is bisected by the river Mias which is regarded as the border between the Urals and Siberia.

Summer..? Snowstorm in Chelyabinsk

Chelyabinsk is one of the major industrial centres of Russia. Heavy industry predominates, especially metallurgy and military machinery.

The city has several libraries, including Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Scientific Library, with more than 2 million books. 

People in Chelyabinsk are mostly Russians, Tatars and Bashkirl. The level of education can vary as well as social background and wealth.

The society is extremely polarized from incredibly rich to extremely poor. 

In the city there are a lot of factory workers and in general working-class people, especially far from the downtown. 

If you visit the city Chelyabinsk, we have no sun to offer, but we can offer you some excursions in Chelyabisnk and its environs starting with slopes that run deeply into mountain valleys or cut through mountain ridges. Rocky river banks, swift flowing currents, stony river-channels and transparent water…of course!

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