viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

Postcrossing Meetup (Received Cards): LEVENT from TURKEY

This postcard was sent to us from Turkey. It was sent by Levent, who lives in Antalya, 3436 kilometers away!

This card was the result of a direct swap, as Levent wrote as an e-mail requesting a card and offering to send us one. The one we sent was Alejandro's, which you can see here. This is the one we received from Levent. It came in an envelope with some nice stamps.

On the card we have a nice view of the Turkish city and what seem to be old city walls or a fortress. Antalya was a very important city since Hellenistic times, and has Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman remains. It is also quite close to the ancient Greek city of Perga, the hometown of the famous mathematician Apollonius, writer of the Conics.

On the back we have a few more lovely stamps and good wishes from our Turkish contact.

Teşekkür ederim, Levent!

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