lunes, 29 de agosto de 2016

Postcrossing Meetup (Received Cards): CYNTHIA from THE USA

This poscard was sent to us from Florida, the warm and sunny state of the United States of America! It was sent by Cynthia, who lives in Jacksonville, 6443 kilometers away!

In the picture of the card we can see some laughing dolphins, reputed to be man's best friend (in the seas) and some sort of tropical cocktail, along with the motto: "Time to play in Florida". These images help to remember that Florida one of the most usual holiday and retirement destinations in the US, quite similar to the Spanish Benidorm.

On the other side we can see a beautiful stamp with the full moon on it, and a brief text that informs us that Cynthia is going to stay till the winter in Florida. She also wishes us good luck with our English lessons.

Thanks a lot, Cynthia!

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