miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017

Postcrossing Meetup (Received Cards): RAMEN from CHINA

This postcard was sent to us from China. It was sent by Ramen, who lives in Wuhan, 10007 kilometers away!

On the card we can see two very famous Chinese landmarks: one of the are the Gansu Dunhuang Mogao grottos, a series of caves in the northwest of the country, with hundreds of years old works of art of Buddhist inspiration. On the right we have a picture of the Hangzhou West Lake area, a region that was once the heartland and capital of China and full of temples, museums and lovely sights.

On the back, the writer tells us about his or her hobbies briefly; a lot of space is occupied by extra information about the landmarks and a very big stamp of some children climbing a mountain.

谢谢, Ramen!

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