sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2016

Postcrossing Meetup (Received Cards): JUDITH from THE NETHERLANDS

This postcard was sent to us from The Netherlands. It was sent by Judith, who lives in Nijmegen, 1494 kilometers away!

On the card we can see a very bright painting by a local Dutch artist, called Ronald Tolman. The painting is titled "De Muze" which might mean, I guess, the horse-rider, the artist or the stunt-performer. In it we can see a framed picture of someone on top of a horse and holding an umbrella (perhaps a circus performer?), all coloured in fauvist red. 

On the back we learn about Judith's job (she is a librarian), where she lives, the local "Four Day's marches' and the things she likes.

Dank je, Judith!

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