viernes, 2 de septiembre de 2016

Postcrossing Meetup (Received Cards): BIANCA from GERMANY

This poscard was sent to us from Baden-Würtemberg, in the southwest of Germany. It was sent by Bianca, who lives in Weinsberg, 1567 kilometers away!

On the card we can see many of the landmarks and sights of Öhringen, a town near Bianca's. Öhringen was known as Vicus Aurelii to the Romans. Eastwards of it runs the old Limes (Roman frontier wall) and numerous remains and inscriptions dating from the days of the Roman settlement have been discovered, including traces of three camps.

In the card Bianca tells us briefly about the things she likes, like writing letters and postcards and playing musical instruments.

Thanks a lot, Bianca!

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